"LDS News is an RSS news reader supporting feeds from multiple sources plus provides easy access to the three Church YouTube Channels as well as integrated YouTube support for LDS.org Home Page video releases."

The application enables you to choose from 17 different feeds (various news feeds, YouTube updates, daily gems....) The application caches the items you have chosen so they load quickly, and keeps track of what you have already read/watched. You can arrange selected services in the order you prefer. You can also easily email content to others.
More details -- including a list of the 17 feeds available, more screen shots, and the technical features of the application -- can be found here.
Ready, set, GO!
Do I get one? :)
Love church things on the iPhone! I want one! :-)
Can I have one, please, please, please, please? I think it would be great for my iPhone. I already have the scriptures and iStake!
Yah I love I phone applications! This looks awesome!!!
I'm having a hard time figuring out a couple of things with this:
1. If I owned an IPhone, why I should purchase this instead of using a generic feed reader that I can add these feeds to?
2. Why is it limited to only Church-owned sources? To be honest, this feed would make me think I'm getting news that "All is well in Zion; yea, Zion prospereth, all is well…" Surely there are additional worthy feeds!!
Thanks. I'd love a copy.
Daniel, Steven, Anne -- Please email me at hotmail, username mulling_and_musing so I can send you your codes.
Michael and David, you can delete your messages if you want. I have your email addresses and will send you your codes.
I love it that I checked email tonite (sorry for the long wait...first day of summer break -- lots going on here today) and there were five people interested. Yay for you!
Kent, you'd have the best luck directing your questions and feedback directly to the creator of the app...email address is found on the site to which I linked in this post.
Wow, some people do look a gift horse in the mouth!
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